Life to Eagle
Planning for the Trail
By Troop 373

Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). A Scout who attains this rank is called an Eagle Scout or Eagle. Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than 2 million Scouts. The title of Eagle Scout is held for life, thus giving rise to the phrase "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle."  Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating Scout Spirit through the Scout Oath and Law, service, and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads, and manages. Eagle Scouts are presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes the accomplishments of the Scout. Additional recognition can be earned through Eagle Palms, awarded for completing additional tenure, leadership, and merit badge requirements.

Troop 373 Life to Eagle Q and A Page

Life Scouts please read the Greater Los Angeles Area Council  - GLAAC  Life to Eagle Web Page

BSA on Eagle Rank

Excellent research on Eagle Scouts! Why Earn it  - pdg file

Earning the Eagle Scout Rank

On this Troop 373 Page:
Uniform - Life Eagle Scout 
Merit Badge Planning
Letters of Reference

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook  
Eagle Scout Rank Application
Eagle Resume Book    That includes GLAAC -  Check List, GLAAC Resume with Life Propose
Scoutmaster Conference for Eagle Rank 
Turning your in Eagle Book and Letters
Eagle Board of Review
Eagle Court of Honor
Rose Parade

Below are a helpfully and needed guidelines to go from Life to Eagle Scout in Troop 373.

Scout must follow rules set by:

National Boy Scouts of America (BSA

Greater Los Angeles Area Council

San Gabriel Valley District

Troop 373

If you see a conflict between this page, the Greater Los Angeles Area Council's - GLAACLife to Eagle and National BSA Web Page documents or from Scoutmaster and this page, ask your Troop Eagle Adviser - Project Coach for clarity!      (San Gabriel Valley District was called Lucky Baldwin District,  GLAAC was caled San Gabriel Valley in past)

All information on the forms and worksheets must be legible (Typed preferred, unless you have prefect hand witting). Do not leave any fields blank, write none, or NA or 0.

Failure to follow the policies and guidelines here can cause serious problems and jeopardize earning Eagle Rank (like, if you run out to of time, your 18th birth date and more.)


* Read ALL the documents on and listed on the Greater Los Angeles Area Councils Life to Eagle Web Page

* BSA Leaders are looking for the Scouts to complete the requirements, parents should not be doing the requirements for the Scout. Parents can answer questions and give feedback to their Scout, but should not be calling or talking or Emailing to others on the Scout's behalf.  Life Scouts be on time, be in charge and be prepared.

Who will the Life Scout be working with?:
Project Beneficiary Representative  - Benefactor of the project  (rep for the place of the project. Cannot be a for profit or BSA)
Troop  Eagle Adviser  (Troop 373 has two to pick from, ask) - also called Project Coach
Troop Eagle Advancement Chair  - Also Called Unit Advancement Coordinator
Troop Scoutmaster  - Also Called Unit Leader
Troop Committee Chair  - Also Called Unit Committee Chair 
San Gabriel Valley District (GLAAC) Advancement Chair - also Called Council or District Project Approval Representative
Letters of Reference persons 
Troop Membership Chair  - at this time is also the Troop Merit Badge Coordinator

(Maybe project suppliers - vendors - stores)


Be in Full BSA Eagle Class A when meeting with any the above, with Merit Badge Sash, BSA pants, Neckerchief, official BSA Slide, BSA socks and polished black or brown shoes. Always have a pen and paper for notes at all meetings.


Role these leaders have with the Scout:

Troop  Eagle Adviser:   This the first person you talk with! Pre project approval before going to the Scoutmaster (no signature needed). Uniform inspection and gives info. Helps solve problems, like miss MBs or other problems. Note: Troop  Eagle Adviser is now called "Project Coach" on Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook page 1-6. Eagle Resume book approval before Scoutmaster Conference for Eagle Rank. Approves project date.  If a scout has any problems or issue that needs addressing they may talk to the Troop  Eagle Adviser only. Do not go to the Scoutmaster. If in doubt contact your Troop  Eagle Adviser first!

Benefactor of the project: Project ideas, project planning, pre project approval, post project completion approval. Writes Letter of Completion from Benefactor organization, is now required.

Troop Advancement Chair: Letters of Reference and copy of individual Scout Troop records (leadership, advancement and MBs).
       Note: Per San Gabriel Valley District (GLAAC) Advancement Chair, Troop 373 individual Scout record and GLAAC(-SGVC) individual Scout records do NOT go in your Eagle book, these are to help you complete the forms and verify you have all the needed requirements..

Troop Scoutmaster: Only does: Pre project approval with signature (after Eagle Adviser's approval), post post project completion signature (after Eagle Adviser's approval) and Scoutmaster Conference for Eagle Rank - handbook signature (after Eagle Adviser's approval), Eagle Application signature at Conference. Writes Scoutmaster letter after the Eagle Scoutmaster Conference.. Will be at BOR (or an ASM - Project Coach if not available). It is the Scout's job to show the Scoutmaster HE IS PREPARED.. That his is Eagle material is prepared, that he can to the best of his ability live the Scout Oath and Motto. Alway make appointment to talk to the Scoutmaster, at a scout meeting is best, but other times are available.  Always be in full Class A when talking to Scoutmaster, with all your paperwork and books.

Troop Committee Chair: Pre project approval signature and Eagle Application signature at completion (after Eagle Adviser's approval).

San Gabriel Valley District (GLAAC) Advancement Chair: After Scoutmaster Conference: Pre project approval. After Project: Eagle Resume book approval, will be at BOR.  [Parents may be seated and present during the Scouts meeting with the LB Advancement Chair, but should not talk other than to say hello and answer any questions directed to them, if a parent is not able to follow these rules, do not attend the meeting.]

Parent(s):  Answer questions and give feedback at home to their Scout, Take Photos at the Project, write parent letter and will be at the BOR. Provide transportation. But should not be calling or talking to others on the Scout's behalf. (If a parent feels they have a serious or important issue that needs addressing they may talk to the Troop  Eagle Adviser only. Do not go to the Scoutmaster).  On the day of the project parents: take photo, transport goods and food, run power tools and  power equipment (as scouts can not use power tools), and be on the look out for any safety issues. But their son must run the project.  If a parent has a suggestion to improve the project, they should talk to their son one on one and then let their son direct the workers.  If there some prep work needed before the project, parents can help their son with this prep work and record those hours. Like wise if there is some post finial work that needs to be done to complete the project, parents and son can do this work and complete the project. Reminder: The Scout must show leadership skills on his project day, so the project must have work that the Troop scouts (and friends) can complete at the direction of the Eagle Project Scout ! A mostly parent - son project is not an Eagle Project.

Letters of Reference persons: Request Letters of Reference for Eagle Rank, once project is approved, (see below). Educator,  Religious leader, Employer (if applicable) [or if not employed, someone you have volunteered for or any other non family member] . Two other letters, (these are adults who know you personally, but a non family member, like a neighbors, church members, friends.) Scout works with Troop Advancement Chair to mail out letters as numbered letters are mail to Troop Advancement Chair .

Troop Membership Chair: To get copy of your Troop Records and BSA records. To get contact info for your workbook, to get your BSA ID, PID  number. To sign up one of your parents as a leader, if needed, (you must have two registered BSA leaders at you project, or one BSA leader and a Parent if at Church.)

Supplier(s) If supplies are needed: suppliers - vendors - stores, it is the scouts job to work with these persons. Scout can request donation of goods.

A Scout is Loyal and Helpful. 
  The GLAAC Eagle Application asks the Scout what (BSA) service projects he has worked on in the last two years.  Troop 373 offers Service Projects for Scouts to attend year-round, be sure some of these are on your application.  Troop 373 offers:  Rummage clean up, Fall Fest, Eagle Scout projects, Memorial Day project, campfire for sunrise service, OA service project, e-waste event, Webelos overnight camp helper and more.  Being loyal to your Troop would also mean attending Troop 373 camp outs, a Scout cannot to stop all camping after earning the Camping Merit Badge.  Ask your Troop  Eagle Adviser if you have questions.    

A Scout must be active in the troop for a period of at least six months as a Life Scout to earn Eagle Rank.

As a Life Scout, demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Tell how you have done your duty to God, how you have lived the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your everyday life, and how your understanding of the Scout Oath and Scout Law will guide your life in the future.   


Uniform Full BSA Life - Eagle Scout Class A    
     (For all meeting with Scoutmaster and San Gabriel Valley Eagle Chair)
Always Be in Full BSA Life - Eagle Class A when meeting with the anyone about becoming an Eagle Scout, with your Merit Badge Sash. 

*As a Life Scout working on Eagle Rank it is required for all Eagle Scout Meetings like: Eagle Scoutmaster Conferences, Troop  Eagle Adviser and Eagle Board of Review that you have the: official BSA pants with black or brown polished shoes, with official BSA socks. With Merit Badge Sash, Troop Neckerchief and official BSA Slide.

* Check your uniform, see the Troop 373 Uniform Page.

* Correct any needed items. Wear your merit badges sash for all meetings. Check that your merit badges are on correctly (not 90 or 180 degrees. out), see the scout book or check online for correct position. The order of the merit badges on your sash does not matter, so long as they are in rows of three across and down. No other patches can be on your Sash.

Religious Emblems Programs: Scout families must have or order any associated medal from the group (like PRAY) listed in the workbook. The medal is required for Eagle Scouts to wear with the religious knot emblem. Without the metal an Eagle Scout may be requested to remove the religious knot emblem for the Eagle BOR.

* When you are starting you project planing, talk to the Scoutmaster about your current Leadership Position in the Troop ! You need to have a current Leadership Position in the Troop and have that Leadership Position patch on your uniform for your first Scoutmaster Conference, Eagle Project planning and Eagle BOR !

(Always bring your Scout Handbook when showing anyone your Workbook or Eagle Resume Book, the two go together!) You may be required to buy a new Scout Handbook Ask Mr. to transfer signatures to the new Book.

NEW Scout Hand book, if your Scout Hand book is too old, you may be required to get a New Scout Handbook, as you must Earn Eagle with the requirement in the current book. . If you need a new one give your new book and your old book to your Eagle Adviser and have the new Book signed off for all Ranks (copy of dates), but not Eagle. Bring  both your old and new book with you to all Eagle meetings!

Merit Badge Planning:

* You may start your project if you are working on (or have completed) your last Eagle Required Merit Badges. But be sure you do not over load yourself. See: the Troop MB List Page - How and Where of MB -   Troop 373 MB page 

To earn Eagle, 21 Merit Badges are required. 14 required Eagle Merit Badges and 4 other Merit Badges.     

* You may start planing your Eagle Project once you have completed the majority of your required merit badges and are working on completing the few remaining merit badges.  We have found some Scouts get overloaded working on an Eagle project and working to complete Eagle merit badges at the same time.  So, with only 2 to 3 Eagle Merit Badges to be completed, a Scout can start planning his Eagle Project.

Here are the 14 required MBs:

First Aid MB should be done before or during the following:
Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving  - Personal Fitness - Camping  -  Cooking  - Swimming  or Cycling  or Hiking  Note it is: Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving *) (Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling *)

Non - First Aid prerequisite: Family Life - Citizenship in the Community - Citizenship in the Nation - Citizenship in the World - Communications - Personal Management - Environmental Science or  Sustainability (Note it is: Environmental Science OR Sustainability *)   and 

the Citizenship in Society merit badge . (there is no booklet, use link to PDF) info  info  

Note: The are time requirements in some these merit badges, so Scouts that are 17, start early so you do not run out of time. See: Cooking, Camping, Family Life , Personal Management and Personal Fitness for time requirements. 

Once you have 20 night of camping  (can only count one week long camp (6 nights), other week long camp [4 or more nights] count as 2 night) and one or more backpack trips, you are ready to complete your camping MB with a troop councilor.

Four Eagle MBs where used for Star Rank and three more for Life Rank,  plus 2  none Eagle MBs for each Rank.
Any extra Eagle MBs not used for Rank can be used as a none Eagle MBs for Rank.

You must have your  21 Merit Badges, Check Scoutbook that they are there and check the dates. 

Merit Badge notes:

1) A Scout starts working on Camping Merit Badge with his first Tenderfoot camp, as this camp counts towards the Camping Merit Badge. Keep track of your BSA camping nights.

2) A Scout wanting to start working on Cooking Merit Badge, please talk with Scoutmaster to earn. With his first campout after earning 1st Class Rank, as these camps may count towards the Cooking Merit Badge. Plan ahead for these campout, tell the Scoutmaster you are using the campout to work on Cooking MB, as it may not count after the camp if you do not plan ahead!  In Troop 373 the Scoutmaster one of the Cooking Merit Badge Counselor.

3) For Citizenship in the Nation: Visit a place or Tour a place; means a place you visited since becoming a Scout. (normally in March as a 10-11 year old). This applies for many merit badge requirements, past events as a Troop Scout (not a Cub Scout) can be applied to a Merit Badge requirement.

4)  World Conservation Award: If you have earned these three MBs you have earned the World Conservation Award:

        1. Environmental Science OR Sustainability merit badge
        2. Soil and Water Conservation OR Fish and Wildlife Management merit badge
        3. Citizenship in the World merit badge

       Report to the Troop Awards Chair that you have earned the award.  Turn in the form at this link 

       The awards can be listed on your Eagle Resume as a honor earned.

Troop 373 Pre Eagle Project planing check list:

__ 1)  Have only 3 or 2 or less Eagle Required Merit Badges to complete.

__ 2)  Have a complete Eagle uniform, BSA pants and BSA socks, with black or brown polished shoes, for your all your future Eagle meetings.

__ 3) Have a BSA  Handbook signed to Life Scout. Bring to all meetings.  Log all your hours that you work on your project.

__ 4)  Have your project idea approved by your
Troop  Eagle Adviser also called Project Coach. 

__ 5)  You are now ready to start writing up your Project and show your write up to your
Troop  Eagle Adviser.

__ 6)   Life Scout must have current leadership position with  uniform patch, if not talk to Scoutmaster.

__  7) Life Scout must have worked on one, better two or more Troop - BSA service projects in the last two years (by end of Project), if not be sure to help at: Church Fall Fest, other Church project, Memorial Day flags,  Easter Sunrise Service, Nov. Snow sledding, a Troop Eagle Project or other BSA project or a OA projects.

__  8)  Have your Project Beneficiary Representative sign your project write up. Note date can not be set at his time, date set later with your Eagle Adviser.

__  9) Once your Troop  Eagle Adviser checks that you are ready and approves your write up, then have an Eagle Scoutmaster Conference, not before.

__   10)  San Gabriel Valley District (GLAAC) Advancement Chair  signs your book, also the Troop Committee Chair [Called Unit Committee Chair] signs.

__  11) Project date can be set once the Troop  Eagle Adviser approves your Project write up, not before.

__ 12) Once your project is approved have a meeting with your Troop  Eagle Adviser one week before your Project, with the Workbook write up completed !

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook tips:

Download Workbook from this site.

Service Project Workbook has Four parts:
A) Instruction and  How to Use This Workbook , do not put in completed Eagle Book,  it is just for the Scout and Parents.
1) "Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal" (done before Project to get the Project approved)  
Adviser approves before Scoutmaster   
2) "Eagle Scout Service Project Plan"  (Done about one week before the Project with your Project Adviser only)
3)  "Eagle Scout Service Project Fund raising Application" Only done if you are selling a product or Service to raise money or asking for donations, other wise not needed, leave out of book.) New Also Needed if you are seeking donation !!
4)  "Eagle Scout Service Project Report"  (Done After the Project is done.)  
Adviser approves before Scoutmaster   

Project Planning:
*  The project idea does not have to originate with the Scout; however, all of the planning must be the Scout's own. Routine labor, or a job or service normally rendered, should not be considered (like trash pickup, lawn mowing, weed picking, this basic maintenance,). There is no minimum number of hours that must be spent on carrying out the project.  But, the amount of time spent must be sufficient enough for the Scout to clearly demonstrate leadership skills.  An Eagle service project should be of significant magnitude to be special and should represent the candidate's best possible effort. Should be something that the Scout can provide leadership to Troop Scouts.

* The Scout must secure the prior approval of the project recipient, first his Scout Adviser, then his unit leader-Scoutmaster, and Troop Committee Chair.  Then the project must be reviewed and approved by the San Gabriel Valley District Advancement Chair to make sure that it meets the stated standards for Eagle Scout service projects before the project is started.

* When you are starting you project planing, talk to the Scoutmaster about your current Leadership Position in the Troop ! You need to have a current Leadership Position in the Troop and have that Leadership Position patch on your uniform for your first Scoutmaster Conference, Eagle Project planning and Eagle BOR !

Project Planning Continues:
*  Before writing up your complete Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, write up a one or two paragraph summary of your project and get it approved by the Troop's Eagle adviser, once the adviser approves it, then talk about your project with Troop 373's Scoutmaster.

Your Project cannot be for a for profit company or BSA or other Scouting type group . It also cannot be just a fund raisers, but you can raise funds for your project if needed. Some places will supply the goods needed for the project, some may not have the funds and you would need raise some or all the funds.  Funds can come for a  fund raising project (like car wash..) or from donations. Before asking for funds at a church or other organizations ask about their fund raising policies. Your family may donate to your fund raisers. For donations the Troop can give you a letter stating that you are with Troop 373, a non profit. Asking for Suppliers to donate needed goods, is better that asking for money. Some scouts have collect°”âTîU°”âTîUP¢�TîU0¨ÏTîU•âTîUДâTîU@ДâTîUnds needed. A scouts can ask family members or other to match the funds he raises. If supplies are needed from suppliers, vendors or stores, it is the scouts job to work with these persons. For fund raisers, a BSA form is used to be sure you are following BSA policy for fund raisers, the form requires signatures. 

*Notes: "The Project  must have some relatively permanent importance. Washing the windows or mowing the lawn of your church, or just picking up trash, for example, are great ideas, but no where near Eagle Projects. On the other hand, landscaping an area which is just dirt, building facilities (shed, tables, benches, planters) or equipment for your church or school or undertaking a major rehabilitation project (e.g. scraping, sanding and painting) may be an Eagle Project.  Always remember that people in institutions such as these may be familiar with Scouting and even with Eagle Project requirements, so they may be better able to help think of things than you would expect.  The project must provide you with leadership opportunities, so it cannot be something just the Scout does alone. The project must, of course, be on your own, even though you must have others help you with it. Two Life Scout candidates for Eagle may not share or "go in together on" a project."  Ask your Troop  Eagle Adviser and other BSA leaders for ideas and if needed check the web.

* Once you have the OK for your Eagle Project, from the Troop Adviser and then Scoutmaster, write up your detailed plan in the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. Once done include before photos, (if possible). Have the the Troop's Eagle adviser approved your written plan. Troop's Eagle Adviser may point out any needed corrections. The Benefactor of the project must sign the proposal. Once approved, then make an appointment to have your Eagle Project Plan book signed by Troop 373's Scoutmaster. Then you are ready make an appointment with the GLAAC Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair to approve your project plan and check your Full Class A Uniform.  Currently GLAAC  Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair meets with the Scouts at his home, a parent can come and listen, but should not be part of the meeting.

* The following questions must be answered in the Project Description and Planning Details  report:

1. What is the project?
2. Who will benefit from this project?
3. How will they benefit from this project?
4. Explain how you expect to show leadership by completing this project.
5. What official from the group benefited will be contacted for guidance in planning the project?
6. What are the specific goals and objectives?
7. What materials/funds will be required for this project?
8. How will these materials/funds be acquired?
9. When do I plan to start/finish this project?
10. How many people will be recruited to carry out the project? (Estimate number of helpers and time to be spent by each)
11. What (if any) training is needed?

See link for help

Setting a Project Date

* You must: Check Troop 373 Calendar (it would good to check the OA calendar also) before setting or requesting any dates for your project to avoid conflict.. Once approved, get your project date(s) on the Troop's calendar and web page. Tell your SPL about your project, to get it on the PLC agenda. Make a flyer to give out at a Troop meeting at least a month in advance, with your stage announcement. Send a soft copy (Doc, html or pdf) for the Troop web site and to email out to the Troop.  You may also invite family and friends to work on your project.

*You must have two BSA leaders at your project, ask them to come, leaders can be from other units 
If you cannot find two BSA leaders for your project, have one of your parents join BSA, complete a BSA membership form and take a few online training classes, work with the Troop membership chair to get this done.  If you parent is willing to be merit badge counselor, there is no cost, if not use the fee chart on the BSA form, round up the months remaining in the year (Dec. 31) to get the fee for membership. Report the two BSA leader to your project adviser.

If your project is at Church,  you may have one BSA leader and one parent.

You must have before and after photos of your project, (during are good also).

*  Refreshment - food, are good way to get Scouts to come. Be Prepared.

* Once you have completed your project have your workbook signed by the Benefactor organization, and request a letter of completion addressed to you. The Letter can also be to the GLAAC or to whom it may concern, it does not matter. The letter need not be sealed or mailed. It only needs to state that the project was completed.

The Project:

* Carrying out the project::  After your Project Description and Planning Details have been approved for your Eagle service  project, you may begin work on the project.  Upon completion, you must submit a detailed  report with your Eagle Scout Rank Application, including the following information:
 1. What was the project?
2. Who suggested the project?
3. How did it benefit others?
4. Was the project of real value to the religious institution, school, or community group?
5. Who from the group benefiting from the project gave guidance?
6. Who from the group benefiting from the project may be contacted to verify the value of the project?
7. How well did you accomplish each of the project objective goals?
8. How much planning/development time did you spend on the project?
9. What were the dates and times for each of the project phases?
10. Who helped carry out the project and what did each one do? (name, job, hours)
11. How did you recruit, motivate, and supervise these people?
12. What training did you provide for these helpers?
13. Did you indeed direct the project rather than do all of the work yourself?
14. What materials were used and how were they acquired?
15. Did the project follow the plan, or were modifications needed to bring it to completion?
16. If changes were made, why were they made?
17. How did you demonstrate leadership of others?
18. What did you learn from this project?
Any additional material, such as photographs, sketches, letters, news articles, and/or samples,  should be included in this report. 

You need before and after photos of your project. If you cannot e-paste the photos into the workbook, either trim and glue into the workbook or add a new page with photos into the workbook.
Before and after project signatures are required.

Log All your Hours:
Log all the time you spend on your project, that includes, research, planing,  fund raising (if done), talking to leaders, buying supplies, writing your plans, and getting signatures. Log all the time others spend working on your project, use a sign in and sign out sheet at your project. Track the helpers on your project in to 5 categories: Eagle Candidates (Life Scouts working on Eagle), BSA Youth Scouts, Other Youth (under 18), BSA Adults, Other Adults, this is for your project workbook  If you know how use a spreadsheet like Excel or Open Office - (free) use it to easily add up your hours. Here is an excel sheet you can use, but use just the service hours column. The workbook post project pages ask questions like: Did the project go as planned, if not what changes were made.
Have you thanked all the donors (cash or goods), and how, (a letter is the best answer).
Did you use all the supplies, did  you have remaining supplies or donor's cash after the project, if yes what did you do with it. Were you short of donor cash or goods, if yes how did you get cash or goods to complete the project (This is all about budgeting, planned expenses and actual).
 Have project organization sign the workbook completion page, before your Eagle Rank Scoutmaster Conference with the Scoutmaster.
A Letter of Completion from Benefactor organization is now required.

Photos: Your Workbook should have 2 to 6 before photos, 2 to 6 during photos (good job for parents) and 2 to 6 after photos. 

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook

a) Download newest copy from

You must us a pdf program that can save your work as you work on it, like:  Adobe Acrobat or Nitro PDF (3) or Fox it (all have free download versions.)

The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook  has Five Parts:

1) Contact info and instructions 

2) Your Proposal, no date set for project. Need approval and signatures 

3) Eagle Scout Service Project Final Plan, no signatures, just adviser a approval week before project.

4 ) Eagle Scout Service Project Fund raising Application, optional 

5)  Eagle Scout Service Project Report, after project is done, signatures.:

Do not leave any fields blank. Use complete sentences. If you are not sure ask your Troop Eagle Adviser -

Use correct spelling, capitation and grammar (have someone good at this check it for you after you write it up).   

a) Contact Information:  Ask leader for this info.

1)  Your Proposal (part 1): 

Your write up of what you would like your project to be, then show it to your Troop Eagle Adviser for verbal approval. It is then signed by rep for the Benefactor organization,  then the Scoutmaster (Unit Leader) and Troop Committee Chair (Unit Committee).  Then the project must be reviewed and approved by the San Gabriel Valley District Advancement Chair (Council or District Approval). 

2)  Eagle Scout Service Project Final Plan (part 2):

After the above Proposal approval and before the project start, have a meeting with your Troop Eagle Adviser(a week before the project would be good) and complete this sections.  There will be planning steps that need to be done after your project is approved.  Have your found any changes needed. Added steps-phases: like: getting all the needed supplies and donations. Food planning and getting the food you have at your project. Will the food be donated or purchased or both?  Is cooking needed.   Are there any permit needed? If none,write NA or none, do not leave any field blank !  List Materials,  Supplies, Tools and other items (food) you got for the project. Cost for all those items.  How may people do you think you will need for the project, what will they do.  Remember Scout (under 18) cannot use power tools, only adults (over 18).  Communicating with helpers. Logistics: car pooling, transport materials need to be listed.  Food and restrooms details.  Safety write up.   List your Plan B: contingency plans:  If it rains, if it is too hot or too cold or too windy or too many helpers or too few helpers.  Life Scout needs to have ideas of what to do if too many Scouts come. The things planned for the extra Scouts can be items that you do not write up in your report. Raking and sweeping are not an Eagle Project, but scouts that do these can have the hours count towards your project. Raking and sweeping are not an Eagle Project, but the hours count, it gives you leadership and it gives the whole Troop a service project.

Talk to your Project Coach to complete: Comments From Your Project Coach About Your Final Plan, A project coach's comments can be extremely helpful in assuring your project is successful.     

3) Eagle Scout Service Project Fund raising Application: (Part 3)  

If you need to raise funds for your project.  Donations are not fund raising, selling a product or service (like a car wash) is fund raising.

Before completing the Fund raising Application, it is important to read “Procedures and Limitations on Eagle Scout Service Project
Fund raising.” This can be found on the in the workbook.: “Fund raising Application Page B.” Once completed, you must obtain approval
from the project beneficiary and your unit leader, and then submit the fund raising application to your council service center at
least two weeks in advance of your fund raising efforts. You will be contacted if it cannot be approved or if adjustments must be
made.    You may raise money or you may ask for donation.  Ask leader for a letter from the Troop with the Troop non-profit #. Donations are tax deductible.   Parents, the scout, family members and others may donate to your project. 

4)  Eagle Scout Service Project Report:  Post Project write up (Part 4).

 For Changes, this is anything that was added to, or changed about your project different than the Proposal and Project Final Plan.  Did you do more than planned, did you do less? Did you have to do any Plan B work?  

Leadership answer all questions.

Materials, Supplies, Tools, Other info

Entering Service Project Data : The Eagle Scout candidate hours is ALL the hours planning, getting supplies, talking to Troop Eagle Adviser, other Troop leaders and San Gabriel Valley leader, time at project site and time writing up the project !

Post Funding write up, what did you actually spend, as a opposed the planned. What was done with  remaining funds or supplies?  

Photos and Other Documentation  Completed project photos and did you make any new Documentation after the Proposal , like a map of the site or anything else.

Once Done, remove all the instruction pages from the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.

*Names and signatures:

When done: you sign the Candidate's Promise,  Beneficiary name: Type in the person that is the rep for the Beneficiary group.  Unit leader name Scoutmaster.   Get the Beneficiary to sign.  

Scoutmaster will sign at your Scoutmaster Conference, once you have ALL your Eagle Book completed and approved by your Eagle Adviser !



From the completion of your Project, you should have your paperwork-Eagle book, letters and merit badges all completed and turn in with in 6 months or before your 18th birthday. Turning in paper work past 6 months would require a very good explanation - reason.  Being too late (past 6 months) may risk project rejection.

* As soon as your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project is completed it needs to be reported to the Boy Scouts of America.  Scouting's Journey to Excellence has replaced the Centennial Quality Awards to measure and reward successful performance of units.  One of the requirements is for units to participate in, and report, service projects including Eagle Scout projects.  To receive credit, service projects must be reported through the Scouting's Journey To Excellence web site.  Each unit will set up a user to access this site.  As an Eagle Scout candidate, you need to collect the information required.    Report the hours and project to your Troop Eagle Adviser.

Letters of Reference
* Once you have your project approved, start requesting Letters of Reference, these are mailed to the Troop Advancement Chair or GLAAC
Advancement Chair and are later delivered to the San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair by the Scoutmaster  before his 18th birth  day with is completed Work book. The letters are unopened when given to the  San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair. Reference letters are confidential and their contents are not to be disclosed to any person not a member of the Eagle Board.

Seven Letters are required:

The Scout is now responsible for requesting Eagle Recommendation Letters from four references. At a minimum, this means the Scout selects the individuals to whom the Reference Letters will be sent. References may be Scout leaders, teachers, employers, coaches, other Scouts, etc. References do not need to be 21 or older. Parents and other relatives are strongly discouraged from serving as references. The unit’s Scoutmaster or Committee Chair shall not be given Eagle References to complete, as their signature on the Eagle Application is already their endorsement. A minimum of four reference letters should be collected in a sealed envelope by the unit’s designee or Scout. The Eagle Recommendation Letters should not be opened before the Eagle Board of Review. The names and contact information for the four individuals will also be recorded on the Eagle Scout Rank Application. Plan accordingly as it generally takes 2-3 weeks for the reference letters to be returned. Completed reference responses of any kind are the property of the Council and are condential to the Eagle Board of Review members. The responses are not to be viewed by or returned to the Scout. Once a review has been held, or an appeal process conducted, responses shall be destroyed after the Eagle Scout credentials are released or the appeal is concluded. Emails are allowed only if condentiality at all stages is guaranteed. If emails are used, the unit representative sending the reference letters shall collect the emailed letters, promptly print them, seal them in an envelope, and delete them without reading the contents.

Religious leader  (a pastor, priest, rabbi, youth minister or chaplain who knows you personally.)
School (principal or teacher)[school counselor, tutor..](if home schooled and you did not have a tutor.., then mom is OK and have dad do parent letter)
Employer (if applicable) [or if not employed, someone you have volunteered for or any other non family member]
Other letter number 1  (adult who know you personally, a non family member, not a Troop Leader) (Like a neighbors, church members, friends).
Otherletter number 2  (adult who know you personally, a non family member, not a Troop Leader)           "                           "

7) Scoutmaster   (required by GLACC, but not listed on the BSA form)
                                         The Scoutmaster will write his letter after your Scoutmaster conference.

Before requesting letters, check with the Advancement Chair to see that above requirements will passed.
Next ask the person if they are willing to write a one page letter for you. Letters can be written to To whom it may concern or to Eagle Board of Review.
With your written request letter, send an addressed (to the Troop Advancement Chair), stamped letter size envelope. On the return envelope your provide to them, number them 1 to 7 (as listed above), this is so the Troop Advancement Chair can tell you which letters you are missing! Note:
Next give these letter to the Advancement Chair to be mailed!
The Scout must provide the full names, addresses and phone numbers of six individuals -- his parents or guardians
These letters can be the great cause for delay. Scouts with limited time (18th birthday coming up soon) need to stay on top of this project and send out more than the min. number of needed letters. Or if you see delays, request a letter from someone else. Having more than 7 letters is not a problem, have not enough letters is a major problem. There are a number of sample request letters you may pattern yours after, Troop 373 recommends this letter: GLAAC - (SGVC) sample.A form letter need not be used, but this one from the GLAAC is very good recommend by the Troop Advancement Chair, just print:  A very short note thanking them for their help and signed by you would be nice to add with the form letter. Check with the Troop Advancement Chair periodically to see if he/she has the reference letters. You may have to call some of your references to remind them to mail them in a timely manner. If you mail your request early, you will have time to request a reference from a different person, if  any of your requests do not come through.  Do not put the names of the persons on your Eagle Scout Rank Application until you are sure which people have sent references to the Troop Advancement Chair.  Once your work book is completed  AND approved by your Eagle Adviser, and after your finial Scoutmaster Conference arrange to get your letters from the Advancement Chair before turn them into the   San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair.

Troop 373 Post Project planing check list:

__ 1)  Compete Project, Post Project write with photos and get needed signatures.

__ 2) Get a letter of completion from the group you did the project for.

__ 3) Check with Troop Advancement for status of Letters of Reference, less Scoutmaster letter.

__ 4)  Work on Eagle Resume Book and  Eagle Scout Rank Application, see below.  (All Eagle Merit Badges are completed)

__ 5) Once the above is done, have a meeting with your Troop  Eagle Adviser to see if you are ready, then have an Eagle Scoutmaster Conference, not before.

It is recommend making the money collected the same as the money spent. Even if some of the funds came from the Scout's  family

Eagle Scout Rank Application

It is a good idea to have TWO of Scout Rank Application. Please as ask each signer to sign each copy. This is mailed to BSA National Council in Texas. If lost or damaged in the process you will have a back up copy.

* On the Eagle Scout Rank Application form check all your Rank dates with the Troop's Records and request a copy of your GLAAC (SGVC) records.   For the 21 Merit Badges use to make rank, check that dates are correct in Scoutbook. The date for the Merit Badges used to make rank must before the date you made Rank, use the BOR date. So for Star a scout must earn 6 merit badges, including 4 from the required list for Eagle. The 6 merit badges use for Star must have dates before your Star BOR date, likewise for the 5 merit badges used for Life.
Also see Troop 373 Merit Badge Procedure. If you have any problems talk to the Troop Advancement Chair and / or your Troop Eagle Adviser. Find the Eagle Scout Rank Application at

 Rank Dates: The Scout should either find and copy the date listed on his First Class and Star Award recognition (pocket) cards, verify the following through official records from his Troop. It is good to verify the following through official records maintained at the GLAAC (SGVC) office also. The date of the Board of Review is the date which should be also on the card or within the database or advancement report. If you have differing dates, ask your adviser for help. Ask for a copy of your GLAAC records at the GLAAC office help desk.

Registration Data: Life date and birth date are two important questions asked on the application.  You must complete ALL requirements for the Eagle Scout Award (including completion of all Eagle paperwork) less participation in an Eagle Board of Review Before your 18th birthday. Troop Scout advancement ends on the 18th birth date of the Scout. The Board of Review can take place within three months after the Scout's 18th birthday with no explanation.  A Scout  must be active in his unit for at least six months after the awarding of the Life Scout rank; the six months begin with the successful completion of the Board of Review for the Life Scout rank. Verification comes from the date listed on the Life Scout recognition card, or from official records of the Troop or the GLAAC (SGVC).

(After three months from 18th birth date, Local Councils have another three month “grace period” in which to conduct an Eagle Scout Board of Review for the Scout, but a statement by an adult must be attached to the application explaining the delay.  A Board of Review more than six months after the member's 18th birthday may be held under exceptional circumstances only with permission from the National Scouts BSA Program Division.) [exceptional circumstances would be for things like: military service, injuries or other hardships...]

See below for more details on the Eagle Scout Rank Application.

Eagle Resume Book:
             (Always bring your Scout Handbook when showing anyone your Eagle Resume Book, the two go together!)
Be in Full Eagle Class A when showing your Eagle Resume Book with leaders, with Merit Badge Sash, BSA pants, Neckerchief, official BSA Slide and polished black shoes.

* When you begin your Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, start to work on your Eagle Resume Book, this should be in a 3 ring binder large enough to hold all your Eagle Documents. The 3 ring binder should have a cover with your name on it to clearly show it is your Eagle Book.  Put your name on the side also so it can be seen on a shelve also. San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair will have a number of Eagle Resume Books on his desk, he need to easily see which one is your!

The order of the Documents must be:   See below for details.

1) Eagle Scout Rank Application (Needs the Signature of unit leader Scoutmaster and Signature of unit committee chair. once you have completed all the requirements)               [Do  not punch 3 holes in the Application, place in 3 ring holder, make a back up copy is a good idea] 

2) GLAAC (SGVC) CHECK LIST - EAGLE SCOUT AWARD (one page) you only put your total project hours on the sheet! Scoutmaster Signature Print this Link 

2b) New GLAAC  Merit Badge Check List  

3) GLAAC (SGVC) Eagle Resume, download the Word  Documents and complete all required information.  download word doc, if needed text only file. rtf  format is needed.

4) Your Life purpose Statement. Now part of the resume:One  paragraph to one page about your future plans.

5) Your completed Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook with Signatures and photos. (first page is Contact Information)
 5b)  Letter of Completion from Benefactor organization, to Scout or to who it may concern, noting the project is done.

5c) Copy of your Project Flyer

5d)  Project Sign in sheet, or type up copy of the sign in sheet.

5e) Receipts, for food, supplies and tools if any from the cost of your Project.

6) Clear Plastic Baseball card holder for 21 Merit Badge used to make rank, listed on the Eagle Scout Rank Application. You may put all your MBs in also. 

7) Troop's Troopmaster software Report  (after updated with Miles, Camping and service hours from Scout).

8) Extra Material, (Some is now required for Eagle Rank)  See below for details.

The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) provides a number of online resources to assist Scouts in earning the Eagle rank — including an electronic version of the Eagle Scout Rank Application and the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook — via their Web site at .

Eagle Resume Book Again With Detailed Notes:

1) Eagle Scout Rank Application. Do not punch 3 holes for binder mounting, put in sleeve in the front of your book.
All information must be Typed on the Application. The current version allows you to fill in the PDF file using your computer and then print it, need a color printer! Ask for help if you do not have a color printer. List the one or two positions held since earning Life. (Needs the Signature of unit leader - Scoutmaster and Signature of unit committee chair.) Scout sign when asked to do so. This is two pages, can be printed double side or on two sheets. Prepare one original and one copy of the application itself. It is a good idea to have TWO of these as ask each signer to sign each copy. This is mail to BSA National Council in Texas. If lost or damaged in the process you will have a back up copy.

 Download newest copy from

a) Complete your info and your rank dates.  Rank dates are BOR dates, found on your Troop 373 Records (should match you handbook, ask if not)

Use YOUR FULL LEGAL NAME (UP TO 30 CHARACTERS ONLY) List your name, entering one character or punctuation mark per block, the way you wish it to appear on your Eagle Scout certificate. Be sure to leave a blank space between your first name, middle name or initial, and your last name.

Street Address ensure your mailing address is listed here; if you receive your mail at a PO Box in lieu of a street address, enter the words "PO Box" (without the quotes) followed by the box number.  City, state, zip and Telephone (Including area code) These are self explanatory; however, ensure they are legible!
Troop,  Local No. This is your unit number. 373.

There must be at least 4 months tenure between First Class Scout and Star Scout board of review, 6 months tenure between Star Scout and Life Scout board of review, and at least 6 months tenure between Life Scout board of review and Eagle Application submission.

Did you earn the Arrow of Light Award?  Yes or  No.
Had you completed fifth grade upon joining?  Yes or No
Important Note: If you earn the Arrow of Light Award the second question (about grade) does not matter. If the Scout did not earn the Arrow of Light Award, then the: Had you completed fifth grade upon joining must be a Yes.

Leave blank or a dash -: Date became a Varsity Scout  Date became a Venturer / Sea Scout

b) All work and complete paperwork must be done and turn in to the  San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair before your 18th Birthday! If you have errors you may need to return to visit the  San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair again.  Scouts must have become Life rank at least 6 months before 18th Birthday.

What HAS to be done before 18th birthday?
1. All 21 merit badges
2. 6 months of leadership while a Life Scout
3. Eagle Service Project, with signatures completed.  and letter of completion.
4.  All paperwork approved by your Eagle Adviser
5. Scoutmaster's Conference 

6.  Paperwork turned in to San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair. 

What can be done AFTER 18th birthday? Only the San Gabriel Valley District Eagle Board of Review and COH

1) Be active in your troop, team, crew, or ship for a period of at least 6 months after you have achieved the rank of Life Scout.  Active as in: you have come to most troop meetings, you have come to a campout, you have come to a service projects and you have a leadership position or leadership assignment..

2) Your 6 letters mail to the Troop's Troop Advancement Chair, (Scoutmaster's letter is not listed or counted here). All spaces must be filled, no blanks. (Scoutmaster letter is not listed here, but is needed)

3) Complete the dates of your Merit Badges, cross out the merit badges not used on # 6 and #9. List # 14 to 21 by date earned, oldest to newest.
Merit badges earned at anytime since becoming a Troop Scout may be used to meet this requirement.  One of the alternatives in two categories - either Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving; and either Cycling, Swimming or Hiking - may be used toward Eagle.  The others, if earned, may be used as an elective merit badge if desired by the Scout.  The Scout determines which badges will be used to meet the elective merit badge requirements for Eagle. But, the dates of the merit badge must be correct to earn Star and Life. Scout can not use the his last 9 merit badge earned, because the dates on the merit badges will be too new to use for Star Rank. The  21 merit badges, including 13 from a list of Eagle required merit badges and their alternates, are required to qualify for the Eagle Scout Badge.  On the actual application place a line through the one of the choices between Emergency Preparedness and Lifesaving; and between Hiking, Cycling and Swimming to denote which badge you have chosen in that category.  If you choose to use any of those crossed out merit badges as an elective merit badge, you must write in the name of that merit badge on the space provided. See crossed out example: Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving;  Hiking, Cycling and Swimming
[At least 4 required merit badges must be listed by the Star rank date. A total of at least 7 required merit badges must be listed by Life rank date.]

For Star Rank: Earn six merit badges, including any four from the required list for Eagle.
You must have these six Merit Badge list on your Eagle Scout Rank Application. The dates on these Merit Badges must be before your Star Rank date!

For Life Rank: Earn five more merit badges, including any three more from the required list for Eagle.
You must have these five Merit Badge list on your Eagle Scout Rank Application.
The dates on these Merit Badges must be before your Life Rank date!

4) Leadership: The Books says: While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility:
Patrol leader,  assistant senior patrol leader,  senior patrol leader, Venture patrol leader, troop guide, Order of the Arrow troop representative,  den chief,  scribe,  librarian,  historian,  quartermaster,  junior assistant Scoutmaster,  chaplain aide,  instructor, Webmaster, or Leave No Trace trainer.
The form gives you two lines to list your positions, the start date can be when you make life (or sooner.) But the dates on the two lines must be 6 months or more of leadership position(s) is all.  Date: mm dd yy (month day year - two digits each). Months and days before the 10th should be written with a zero in the first position of the month or date block, i.e., 01 or 07.  Date of Life Scout Board of Review here must match exactly the date you entered for requirement 1!
List only those positions served after Life board of review date. ( Do not list leadership dates prior to Life Scout Board of Review date).
The Eagle form only asks about Life Leadership. (not Star).  The start date to list, it would be best to list the Life rank date as to not confuse anyone.
Scouts can list more than 6 months of leadership. (If a scout has two leadership positions at the same time, the scout must pick only one to list.)
[ASSISTANT PATROL LEADER and BUGLER are not acceptable leadership positions to use for this requirement.] There must be end a date, use a date near to turning in your paperwork.   For your Eagle BOR, they would like you to have a position and a position patch on your uniform! Talk to the Scoutmaster if this is problem.

5) Project Completion is the day the  project organization sign the workbook. for date: mm dd yy (month day year - two digits each). Months and days before the 10th should be written with a zero in the first position of the month or date block, i.e., 01 or 07.
Enter the Grand total of hours from your Eagle Scout Leadership Project Workbook.

6) Date: Scoutmaster ConferenceDate was held, the last one use for approval of your work, singed your Scout hand book. This is the date you and your unit leader discuss your life purpose statement. Remember that°”âTîU°”âTîUP¢�TîU0¨ÏTîU•âTîUДâTîU@ДâTîU0th should be written with a zero in the first position of the month or date block, i.e., 01 or 07.

You only complete the Total number of service hours for you and all your workers !
Sign and date when asked. The check list is found at these two  links LB site -   

3) GLAAC (SGVC) Eagle Resume,  download the pdf file, you may copy the pdf words into a Word  Document, and complete all required information in the Word  Document.

Unit (type, number): Troop 373
a) Offices Held in Unit. This asked for all your Leadership Positions in the Troop, needed to show - prove you earned Star, Life and Eagle Rank Leadership requirements. The leadership dates must fill the required dates for Star, Life and Eagle: Four months of Leadership before Star BOR, Six months of Leadership before Life BOR, Six months or more of Leadership before Eagle Rank Book being turned in to San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair.  If you need help talk to the Troop advancement chair or your Troop eagle adviser.
If you do not have a current leadership position, ask for one and have that patch on you uniform for all your Eagle meetings. Note not all positions, like Assistant Patrol Leader, can count to rank, check this link.
Note Position and start date and end date.

b) Camping Experience" Summer Camps attended, list all week long summer camps you've attended (like: Holcomb Valley, Camp Cherry Valley, Circle X, Week long Troop camp outs, week long OA campouts,  Sierra - Yosemite backpack, Jamboree and Philmount. Note the Year of the Camp (month and day not required)
If you have not attend any summer camps or have only one summer camp, then you may put some weekend camps down like: Troop camp outs , Camporee, Scoutoree, OA campouts etc...).

c) Memorable camping trips Memorable Camping Trip(s) (of any number of nights): List the camp, date, location and why it was memorable, needs to be at least a short paragraph, not just one sentence.

d) Total nights camping. Total BSA Camping Nights ___, looking for nights camped since becoming a Troop Scout. This can count: Troop, OA, Webelos over night as a Troop helper. You can check out the Troop's web site for a list all past camp outs. Here is an excel sheet you can use to help.

e) Total days on day hikes Total Days hike  ___  Looking for days that you hiked (more that a mile) since becoming a Troop Scout. This can count: Troop, OA, as a Webelos- Pack helper. You can check out the Troop's web site for a list all past hikes. (this is not miles, that can be list in other places) Here is the same excel sheet you can use to help. (as best your can)

f) Awards and Special Recognition: Mile Swim, 50 Miler, Den Chief Award, Religious Emblems Programs, Oak Badge, OA Membership level, OA office won by vote or appointment, Put info of none scout recognition: Sports, School, Church, Drams, Clubs and more.  

g) Service projects you have participated in during the last two years: List all Troop and OA service projects you helped with in the last two years. You can check out the Troop's web site for past events., check the OA calendar also.  (An Elangomat at a project is a leadership role, not a service project, but your Induction, camp work projects and trail crew counts as service projects, as you are physically helping. (as best your can)

( h (If on your form, some forms have dropped this request) Briefly describe your Eagle project:  Write up a paragraph or two summary of your project.)

i) Briefly describe the personal benefits gained from this project: Write up a paragraph or two summary.

4) Your Life Purpose Statement (now part of resume): One  paragraph to one page about your future plans, ambition and goals  (after high school plans, college and major, also a possible career goals).  Use correct spelling, capitation and grammar (have someone good at this check it for you).

5) Your completed and signed Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook with before and after photos.
   1)  NOTE: Please omit all instructional pages from the Project Workbook before turning in!
              2)  Note: The first page must be the completed "Contact Information" page ! (this is not an instructional page!)
       5b) * Project Completion Letter from the group you did the project for. Note this is now required to have a letter from the group you did the project for.

6) Merit Badges

Go back and double-check all names, dates, and unit numbers of each merit badge listed.  If missing signatures ask for help. Also cross-check the dates against the Troop and GLAAC (SGVC) records.  You must list all merit badges you used to advance to Star and Life. Your Eagle application must show at least 4 merit badges from the 15 on the required list, (and at least 6 merit badges total), earned before the Star Board of Review date, and at least 7 merit badges from the 15 on the required list (and at least 11 merit badges total) earned before the Life Board of Review date.  All 11 merit badges used to earn Star and Life must be listed on the application.
The merit badge part of the application is Very important, as the local Council and the BSA’s Eagle Scout Service does perform some checking and verification of the dates (and unit in if scout transfer Troops in the past) which the merit badge was earned.  Errors cause delays in the application process and in some cases, forces the application back to the local Council for clarification. In other words you cannot use a MB earned as a Life Scout to count towards, Star Rank.


7) From your resume Report your Camping night, Miles hiked, and Service hours so the Troop's Troopmaster software can be updated. After updated ask for a copy of your Troopmaster History Report to go into your Eagle Binder book.

8) Extra Material: (required for Eagle Rank, it is also nice to have for the BOR and as a memory book for you [you can add more after your BOR for a special memory book])

* Your Project Flyer  - a Must
* Training cards you may have earned. Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chip, CPR, 1st Aid ... etc.
* OA Membership card(s )
* Mile Swim, 50 Miler, Den Chief Award, Religious Emblems award, Oak Badge,  NYLT
* Sports award, School awards, Church awards, Clubs award and more.
* Thank you letters or certificates to you.
* Photos of you as a Troop Scout, like at a camp out or at service project.
* BSA Patches earned by attendance:, Summer camp, camporee, Expo, OA, popcorn sales ...
* Rank Cards in holder
[Note: Troop 373 individual Scout record  and/or GLAAC (SGVC) individual Scout records but remove before turning in !! )]

* Do not put in Extra Material that is dated before you became a Troop Scout.
* Do not put in non awards (like: a Graduation certificate... 

*  You can ask a Troop 373 Eagle Scout to share his Eagle Resume Book with with you as an aid.

If you have questions about the above ask your  Troop Eagle Adviser.
End of Eagle book...

Scout Handbook
You Scout Handbook will be signed at your finial Eagle Scoutmaster conference, bring with you to all related life to eagle meeting with leaders. If you have lost you book, get a new book and a leader to help you to replace lost signature and dates (dates are on your individual Scout record).  Note dates and time requirements for Star and Life Rank need to be correct.  

Scoutmaster Conference for Eagle Rank   (the finial one)

* Once your Eagle book is ready, have a the Troop's Eagle adviser approve it, before showing it to the Scoutmaster!  Troop's Eagle adviser may point out needed corrections. Have a pen a paper to take note on what may need to be fixed. Once approved by the Troop's Eagle adviser, then make an appointment to have your Eagle Rank Scoutmaster Conference with the Scoutmaster, bring your, Eagle book in a 3 ring binder and your BSA Handbook to get signed, he will sign off all the Eagle requirements in your handbook, less BOR .
Once your handbook is signed for Eagle Rank by the Scoutmaster, ask for your Scoutmaster letter.

Once you confirm that the Advancement Chair has have all your letter, including the Scoutmaster's letter (you may need to give your Scoutmaster's letter, to the Advancement Chair, if it is given to you. The Advancement Chair will put all the unopened letters in one large envelope and seal it. You can confirm the letter are there with the Advancement Chair before it is sealed. 

NEW Scout Hand book, if your Scout Hand book is too old, you may be required to get a New Scout Handbook, if so give your new book and your old book to your Eagle Adviser and have the new Book signed off for all Ranks but Eagle. Bring  both your old and new book with you to all Eagle meetings!

*Turning in your Eagle Book and Letters: Finial Completion

After your finial Scoutmaster Conference and the conformation the your Scoutmaster Letter is with the Troop's Advancement Chair, you are now are ready to turn in your Eagle Resume Book and unopened Letters to the San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair. Your unopened letters you get from the Troop's Advancement Chair once you confirm that Troop's Advancement Chair has all your letters plus the Scoutmaster Letter. Once you get your letters call the San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair for an appointment to turn in your Eagle Book and letters. 
Be in Full Class A. Bring your Scout Handbook also when turning in your Eagle Resume Book, bring your Scout Hand book to your Eagle BOR.

* Note if there is a problem you may be asked by the San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair to correct the problem and return later. So be sure you have lead time before your 18th birthday, for anything you or someone else may have over looked.  Have a pen a paper to take note on what may need to be fixed.

Once approved, San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair will keep your Eagle Book and letters (But not your Scout Handbook). 

This final approval must done before your 18th Birthday !

Eagle Board of Review

* 1) Once your paperwork is approved by the San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair (before your 18th birthday), the San Gabriel Valley Advancement Chair will set up appointment for an Eagle Board of Review - BOR. Tell your Scoutmaster soon about the appointment so he (or a ASM if needed) can be there with you and your parents. Come in Full Eagle Scout class A, (a military press of your shirt may be requested) and bring your Scout handbook to be signed, come 10 minutes early. The BOR will talk to your Parents, then the Scoutmaster and then the Scout. (Your Parents may want to bring a camera) You will get your Eagle Resume Book back at the BOR. Be clam your leadership and service has brought you to this place. 

2) They may ask the scout questions that do not reflex on the scout making Eagle [but do reflex on our Troop]: 1) What is altitude sickness  , what do you do if some one has it.(The only reliable treatment and in many cases the only option available is to descend.).  2) What do you do if caught in a lighting storm while backpacking? BSA:   “The only completely safe action is to get inside a safe building or vehicle.”  But backpacking these are normally not around.   Spread your group out from each other if possible. Stay away from tall, isolated trees; flag poles; totem poles; or other tall objects. If you are in a forest, stay near a lower area stand of trees.  Remember, a tent offers NO protection from lighting.  Stay away from water, wet items (such as ropes), and metal objects (such as fences and poles). Water and metal are excellent conductors of electricity.  Drop all metal objects during a storm, such as internal or external frame backpacks, trekking poles (including aluminum and carbon fiber), crampons, jewelry, etc., and move 100 feet away from them. Adopt the lightning position as a last resort: Crouch down on the balls of your feet and keep them as close together as possible. Cover your ears, and don't allow other body parts to touch the ground. By keeping the surface area of your body in contact with the ground to a minimum you reduce the threat of electricity traveling across the ground from affecting you.Other website on topic.

A Scout should also know about the founding of BSA. Who are: William Boyce,  Baden-Powell and the UNKNOWN BOY SCOUT.

-------- Congratulations ---------

Eagle Court of Honor
and More

* After passing your Eagle Board of Review, it will take 6-8 weeks for the completed Eagle paperwork to return from BSA National Council in Texas. You pick up your completed paper work at the GLAAC (SGVC). Call the Council if you don't hear from them after 8 weeks.

* You will be asked to get your Eagle Scout Portrait taken, this will be hung in the entrance to the Scout Center. After this you will have the chance to purchase the Portrait. Ask about using your large Portrait at your COH, they can loan it to you.. You will also get a electronic B&W soft copy, that can be used in your Eagle COH slide show if you wish or a COH program sheet, if you make one. You will be asked if you want to buy any Portraits or photos, this is up to your family.

* It is customary to request Eagle Letters of Congratulations. You may also request from your Congress Rep a US Flag flown over the US capital in the Scout's honor, this will have a small fee, ask. Your Congress Rep has a DC office and local office, ask you local office, if close by, go to your local office. It can take up to 3 month or more to get reply from some Eagle Letter of Congratulations for some groups. This letters are displayed at Eagle COH and put in a memory book for safe keeping. Have the request letters ready as soon as you pass your Eagle board. (Note replies sometimes take months to get from the requested group, a COH need not wait for all the letters, some (only a few) requests ask for your COH date)  Troop 373 Sample letters. 

* If is customary to have a Special Eagle Court of Honor ceremony. This can be very simple or very elaborate, it is up to you. It can be held with one or several Eagle Scouts. Various Eagle Court of Honor decorations can be reserved at the Scout Center for the Eagle Court of Honor at no cost (see below). A room at the Church can be reserved for the COH (at no cost), usually Pritchard Hall, (or the Old North Church) check with the Troop leaders.  (If you wish not to have special Eagle Court of Honor ceremony, you may also have Eagle Rank awards at the end of the normal Troop COH.)

* Once you get your Eagle paper work from the GLAAC (SGVC) you can get from the GLAAC (SGVC) an Eagle Award kit.: An Eagle Award Kit contains; Mother's oval pin, Dad's oval pin, Mentor oval pin, Eagle badge and Eagle Award Pin all in a case. The Troop will repay you if you wish the cost for the Eagle Scout Award Kit, Antique Finish  (at this writing about $26.99 plus tax.), turn in receipt.      If you have paid for a kit, let the Troop Treasure know so you can be reimbursed.
A Scout may give out extra Mentor pins, these are sold by the each at the scout shop, families would need to buy them.  You can put your Eagle Scout Patch on you uniform as soon as you pass your BOR. Note: BSA National must approve your BOR so there is a short delay to get your Eagle Kit from the GLAAC.  Once you have the kit you may also get your Eagle neckerchief and slide.  The Eagle neckerchief and slide has not been paid for by the Troop in the past and this tradition will continue, one reason is there are a few different types of neckerchiefs and slides available. There are a print and sewn in design Eagle neckerchiefs. There are 3 types of Eagle slides, the Troop's recommendation is to get the large oval one.

In your National BSA Eagle Rank paperwork kit, will be an invite to join the NESA - The National Eagle Scout Association, they have yearly or life time membership, this comes with a magazine to your home. It is up to your family if you wish to join.

Once you turn 18 you can get an Eagle Knot for your Uniform as you cannot have the Eagle Patch on anymore (please change within 90 days after your 18th Birth day). There are two knots one for Eagle Scouts and one for NESA members (with a silver boarder). Likewise you can have an Arrow of Light Knot on an adult uniform, if earned. These are put above the left pocket in normally in order earned. Note the position of the colors and the point on the end of the rope before putting on.. As an Assistant Scoutmaster,  an adult leader age 18 or over, who assist the Scoutmaster, can earn the Scout Leader's Training Award in two year.


* There are many sample Eagle Court of Honor ceremonies, Troop 373 standard is below. You can edit or mix and match as you wish. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 6  Sample 7 Info 1 Info 2

* Check the Troop Calendar (it would good to check the OA calendar also) before setting  any dates for your COH. Once approved, get your COH  date on the Troop's calendar - Web Site. Tell your SPL about your COH to get it on the PLC agenda. Make a COH invite flyer to give out at a Troop meeting at least a month in advance.

MC - Mater of Ceremony can be the Scoutmaster or a Family member or the SPL or any one else you would like.
If the Scoutmaster is not available an ASM can take his place at the COH.


TOR   - The Pasadena Tournament of Roses's Rose Parade.
* Once an GLAAC (SGVC) Eagle you will receive an invite to be in the The Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade. There is a July 31 BOR deadline feel free to check as it could move), after that date you will be invited next year in Aug. Call the GLAAC if you do not get an invite letter by Aug31. To be in the TOR Troop there is: an application, an interview (held in the first two weeks in Sept.), a fee (for all neat stuff you get) and mandatory meetings to attend (a parent may be able to stand in for you in some, but not all, meetings). The experience is very special, once in a life time event.


Eagle Court of Honor  Troop 373 example

* This is Typical Eagle COH in Troop 373: (you can customize to your taste)
Order of Service 

1. Master of Ceremonies: Welcome, call to start, MC intro self.
2. Welcome: Scoutmaster, Troop 373
3. Presentation of Colors: Troop 373  - Eagle Scout picks the Caller and 4 Color Guards. Ask your fellow Scouts in advance to help.
4. Invocation:  (Pastor from your Church or the Youth Director from your church or Troop Chaplain - Leader, Scout Chaplain Aid or other...)
5. Opening of the Eagle Court of Honor:  San Gabriel Valley District Executive or San Gabriel Valley Commissioner - Chair or GLAAC Staff.
6. Trail of the Eagle: Scoutmaster  (The path from Scout to Eagle)
7. Eagle Charge and Promise:  Normally from San Gabriel Valley District Advancement Chair (invite him as soon as you have your COH date!)
8. Special Remarks (Family member or Friend of Scout, Troop Leader, Project organization, Teacher, Tutor ....)
9) Recognize any special Guest,   Mayor, BSA, GLAAC or LB, OA...
9. Slide Show [optional]  (Cub, Troop Scout and family photos, ends with Eagle Scout Portrait (Free B& W one...)
10. Presentation of the Eagle Awards: Scoutmaster
(10a  Presentation of Mom, Dad and Mentor Pin(s), by Eagle Scout [in this order, Eagle Scout puts pin on mom and dad])
(10b Eagle Scout Remarks and Thank You to ...- Starts with Mom, Dad and Mentors, Troop...)
11. Retiring of the Colors:  Troop 373 -  Caller and Color Guard
12. Closing of the Court of Honor: San Gabriel Valley District Executive or San Gabriel Valley Commissioner - Chair or GLAAC Staff.
13. Benediction: (can be the same person as Invocation or different)
14  (Reception, can be very simple, cake and punch, or fancy it is up to you ) if at Church ask to reserve Pritchard Hall.

Eagle Court of Honor Decorations:

Optional: In a Church closet is a Large flower box with a US flag on it, for Stage display.

Also the Troop Flag and Troop's US Flag are used, get or ask someone to get them.


To plan your Eagle COH, let your Adviser know the names of the persons in the Eagle COH listed below:

1) Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster  for awarding:

2) Colors: Troop 373 for open and close Flags , Five :      

3) Invocation:  Pastor of the day  (open and close) :

4) Opening of the Eagle Court of Honor:  ( BSA Staff or Commissioner or other):

5) District Advancement Chair, (if not coming other, can be someone else on this list):

6) Master of Ceremonies - MC,  can be one of the above or someone else:

7) Special Remarks, if any


Court of Honor and you:

Reminder for the Troop 373 Eagle Scout COH:
You are asked to bring to the COH:
1) From the GLAAC the Eagle kit: An Eagle Award Kit contains; Mother's oval pin, Dad's oval pin, Mentor oval pin,  Eagle badge and Eagle Award Pin in a case. Note  the Eagle badge Patch can already be on your Uniform.  Extra Mentor pins, if you wish, you buy at the scout shop.
2) The Eagle neckerchief and slide.
3) Bring your Eagle BOR book for the display table.
4) Bring your Eagle Letters of Congratulations, in a Binder (that you have received). These can be requested anytime after the BOR, some take months to get from the requested group - person)
5) Eagle Scout Portrait, if you have one.
6) Power point show if you are using one at the COH. or use Open Office - (free) for your Power point show, save in Power point and Open Office to be safe. USB Flash or CDROM or DVD-Rom. Bring  your own LapTop with VGA out  or comb of both to be safe.
7) Bring your US Flag from your Congressman, if you have one.
8) Come in Full Class A as your were for your Eagle BOR (Troop neckerchief and slide) . (but Military press is not required)
9) COH program bulletin, if you made one.
10) Refreshment if done after COH..
12) Decorations, if any 





Also See Troop 373 pages, if not already visited:
* Troop MB List Page
* How and Where of °”âTîU°”âTîUP¢�TîU0¨ÏTîU•âTîUДâTîU:ДâTîU * Troop 373 MB page
* Troop 373 Uniform Page,
Religious Emblems Programs:


Eagle External Links:

Eagle Help -

Power Point Presentation for Eagle Scout Candidates by Mike Walton  at

This is a set of worksheets that you can use to gather all of the information you will need to fill out your Application for Eagle Scout Rank Award.  From

Project  info    From /

Eagle Trail Power Point Presentations - submitted by Joe Larkin - Central Florida Council

__   The National Eagle Scout Association

Life To Eagle Orientation, San Gabriel Valley Council, BSA ,Valle del Sol District


Eagle Project Timeline  Troop 373

To earn the Rank of Eagle Troop 373 would like you to turn in your written  project proposal  4 months before your 18 birthday.  Later than this will cause stress on you and everyone you must work with.

Scouts not starting on time are not given assurance  to complete the Rank of Eagle.

As you plan your path to Eagle keep in mind time line:

Time to have project approved: 

1)  4 weeks   - Project planning

Submit Project write to leader

Update Project

Fundraising paperwork

Finial Approval  Advisor

Send out Letters of Reference

Signature from  Project Beneficiary Representative

Signature from Scoutmaster

Signature from Phil Schwind

Signature from GLAAC

2)  3 Weeks -  Project Promotion  - one week before meeting

Set date with Advisor

Make Flyer and distribute flyer

Make Announcement at Troop meeting (mandatory)

Meeting with Advisor  one week before Project (mandatory)

3)  4 weeks  - Post write up and Approval 

Post Project write up

Post Project approval  by Advisor

Signature from  Project Beneficiary Representative

Signature from Scoutmaster

Project Beneficiary Representative completion letter.

4)  4 Week  - Eagle Book Creation and Approval 

Make Eagle book       (Merit Badge completion if needed)

1) Eagle Scout Rank Application: Advisor  Approval, Signature of Scoutmaster and Signature of Phil Schwind.

2) GLAAC  CHECK LIST with Scoutmaster Signature

2b) GLAAC  Merit Badge Check List,  Advisor Approval

3) GLAAC Eagle Resume, Advisor Approval  

4) Your completed Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook with Signatures and photos. (first page is Contact Information)

5)  Letter of Completion from Benefactor organization, to Scout or to who it may concern, noting the project is done.

6) Copy of your Project Flyer

7)  Project Sign in sheet, or type up copy of the sign in sheet.

8) Receipts, for food, supplies and tools if any from the cost of your Project.

9) Clear Plastic Baseball card holder for 21 Merit Badge used to make rank, listed on the Eagle Scout Rank Application.

10) Extra Material, Advisor  Approval  

11) Scoutmaster Conference, then Letter from Scoutmaster

12) Pick up Letters of Reference From Cathy Morris (they are not mailed to you).

13) Submit Eagle book to GLAAC, before your 18 birthday.

(GLAAC BOR can be done after your 18 birthday)
