
A Green Meadow, Big Blue Sky, Majestic Pine Trees and and Great Camp staff await our Troop at Holcomb Valley this Summer. See how full camp is

In order of importance to prepare for camp:

1) A new BSA medical Form must be completed to attend camp. The new BSA Medical form  Part Parts A and B are completed by the Parent,  Part C must be completed by your Scout's Doctor.

2)  Below are the 2014 (2015 will be close to the same list) Merit Badge offered at camp. My recommendation is at least one Eagle Merit Badge be picked along with two others.  Please send me your picks soon for my OK and before buying a Merit badge book.

3) A Pre Camp meeting to talk about the camp will beNew June 7, 2015, Sunday  normal spot 7pm to 8:30pm.  Please turn in your Medical forms at the pre meeting. Deadline of Merit badges picks are due at the pre camp meeting, but sooner is better, some classes will fill up!

Map to Holcomb Valley

Download complete pdf HV 2014 Guide for more details

Holcomb Valley Web Page

Sign ups have started for our BSA Summer Camp.

Boy Scout Resident Camp

Holcomb Valley BSA Summer Camp

July 5 – 11, 2015   Depart Sunday Afternoon at SMCC 1pm to Sat. Depart camp at 9:30am, back at SMCC at noon.  ( HV Week 4)

Check if you can help car pool up to camp or back home from camp.  July 5-11,  Sunday to Sat. 
 Sat. 5, Depart camp at 9:30am, back at SMCC at noon. (need to drive to camp at 7:30am).

  Please Report Car driving, Make, model, owner, year, number of seat (include drive)

Where: Holcomb Valley located just North of Big Bear.

What:  There are Four programs offered (note program when signing up):

1) Work on 3 or more Merit Badges, plus Horse Riding, Campfires, Archery, Rifle Shooting, Swimming and more. More info will be given before trip. Afternoon free time can be used for fun stuff like, rifle, shotguns, archery, swimming, biking, climbing, troop horseback riding, crafts or a free time merit badge.

2) Scouts not in need of Merit Badges can join the ACE Program. Advance Camper Experience for Horseback Riding, Shot Gun, Black powder, Rock Climbing, Mountain biking, Archery, cross country hiking and more. Ace Program is for Scouts 14 years or older.

3) BSA Life Guard Class, for Scouts 14 years or older with First Aid and Swimming MB already done.

4) Scouts under First Class can use one or more of the MB Class times to work on Second Class or 1st Class requirements.

Boy Scouts have the opportunity to enjoy a sleep - away camp with a great Staff of experts who plan activities for advancement and fun specifically for them.
Includes great campfire programs, camp game events and more.

More info will be given before trip. Call or email if you have questions: Troop camp coordinator is David Sargent 6 2 6 - 5 3 3-7 5 2 3. Troop 373 Camp Leader is Martin Deveau and Andrea Wang. Any parent wishing to come for the week or a day or two, contact David Sargent.

Cost is $380.00 per Scout. Includes: meals, patch, tents, private hot showers and more.  Camperships are available.
 The only add cost could be for some merit badges, see below. Parents may attend for the week or may come visit for a day or overnight, with meals for a fee.

$100.00 deposit is needed to hold a spot for anyone attending. Checks to SGVC BSA.
First deposit of $100.00 is due the first week of March to Mr. Sargent.  Second  deposit of $100.00 is due in April to Mr. Sargent.  Last payment due first of June.

Scout also do a short service project 1 to 2 hours on day, service hours are given.


Please send your picks for OK before buying a Merit badge book.  If your scout does not have the FIRST AID Merit Badge it mandatory that this be one of his three Merit Badges.

Merit badges with ** have prerequisites (parts must be done before or after camp).
$$ must pay for MB craft - shots.
Merit badges with ~ are not offered at Free time also.
For MB details see:  http://usscouts.org/usscouts/meritbadges.asp

• ANIMAL SCIENCE    (Medium)  Horse option done at camp.
• ARCHERY ~               (Medium to hard, not for 1st year scouts) (MB can only be done at camp)
• ART **                        (easy) Good Free Time MB.  Must go to art gallery or show before or after camp.
• ASTRONOMY **       (easy)  (must watch sky in other seasons, extra four weeks to complete)
• BIRD STUDY              (Easy to Medium)
• CLIMBING  ~                (14 & OLDER) ~ (hard to easy, must be able to climb wall and repeal down)
• EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS    Eagle (easy)  [Must  have 1st aid MB 1st or at the same time] (do 1 and 8c before or after camp)
• ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE  ~   Eagle MB (Medium, must write reports) [counts towards "Panda" badge]

• FIRST AID   ~                    Eagle MB (easy) A must for 1st Year Scouts or if you do not have it.
• HORSEMANSHIP ~         (Take 2 MB PERIODS & 14 AND OLDER)  (must be able to saddle up a horse) [counts as 2 MBs]
• INDIAN LORE                  (easy)
• LEATHER WORK $$       (easy) Good Free Time MB. Must buy crafts at camp.
• LIFESAVING   ~               Eagle MB (must be good swimmer, good to have 1st aid MB 1st)
• MINING in Society New   (easy)
• ORIENTEERING ~            (Medium, Must be good at Map and Compass work)
• PAINTING                         (easy)
• PERSONAL FITNESS **  Eagle MB  (medium,  must track 12 weeks of a fitness program, before or after camp, teeth chk)
• PIONEERING                    (Medium, knots and lashing, medium to easy) [must use some free time to build project]
• RIFLE SHOOTING  $$~        (22 cal.)  (hard to easy, hard for young scouts sometimes ) ( MB can only be done at camp) Must buy amo tickets $1 for 5 shots.
• SHOTGUN SHOOTING $$ ~ (14 & OLDER) (hard for some, heavy 12 gauge used) (MB can only be done at camp)  Must buy amo tickets $1 for 1 shot.
• SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION   (easy) [counts towards "Panda" badge]
• SWIMMING  ~       Eagle MB     (Medium, good to have 1st aid MB 1st or at the same time)
• WILDERNESS SURVIVAL  (Medium, good to have 1st aid MB 1st) Camp out one night in woods with group.
• WOOD CARVING                (Medium) Good Free Time MB.

( TRAIL TO FIRST CLASS, not a MB class but rank class. counts as one of the three MB class time slots.)

 Some of the above classes are also offered at free time (~ are not offered at free time). It is important that when signing up for merit badge classes that they reserve the time in free time for the class, if they want to complete the requirements. Ones labeled easy do not take much free time at camp and may be picked and completed at camp.

The following classes will not be offered during the normal class times, these merit badges will be offered only as free time merit badges:

• BASKETRY $$  (Medium)  (Must buy supplies)
• GEOLOGY        (easy)  Good Free Time MB.
• FORESTRY       (Medium)
• NATURE           (easy)  Good Free Time MB.
• WEATHER       (easy) (must record weather for one week, best to do before camp, can do after camp also)
• MAMMAL STUDY   (very easy) Good Free Time MB.

( TRAIL TO FIRST CLASS, not a MB class but rank class, done at free time also.)

[You can get more free time my doing MB work at home before coming to camp]

Free time is normal set as fun time doing:  ARCHERY,  RIFLE SHOOTING, HORSE RIDING  any age level , CLIMBING any age level, SHOTGUN SHOOTING (if tall enough to safely handle the gun), and crafts. All these are for fun, not for MBs.

Scouts are not required to do any of the above free time events! Scouts not interested in all or some of these events, would have time for free time MBs.

It is good to study and work on the MB work book BEFORE camp. Book and sheet will be for sale at camp for those that change or add classes at camp.

• Due to free-time needs in select areas, the following merit badges are only available during class-time: Waterfront
merit badges, Archery, Rifle, Horsemanship, Climbing, and First Aid. All other badges will be available to be
taken during the free-time.
• All Scouts who sign up for a merit badge during the class time can work on skills that fulfill requirements for that
class during the free-time.
• Astronomy merit badge class taken during the free-time must be started by 2:00 on Tuesday.
Scouts can come during free time to pass off any requirements that are taught during the classes. Special activities will also
be offered during free time such as the mile long orienteering course, Tote’n Chip, and Firem’n

The rifle and archery ranges are available for your use.  All participants must receive a safety orientation and skills training.
Ammunition and arrows are provided at the range.
 $$  The Camp is going to be using a ticket system for purchasing ammunition to be used on the Rifle and Shotgun Ranges (the Archery Range is free). Each scout will be given one free ticket (5 rifle shots) for the rifle range and one free ticket (1 shot) per camper for the Shotgun Range. All additional rounds will need to be purchased at the Trading Post, whether for use during Free-Time or for Merit Badges. Tickets are $1.00 each. Shotgun can range from $50.00 to $100.00, Rifle MB from $20.00 to $40.00.  In order to use the range, leaders must have signed permission slips from the parents of the scouts (see Permission Form.)

Dropped is  SPORTS, but this can be done in the Troop.   (must do two types of sports for 4 months, and a little paper work), ask if you have done two sports.

We are required to provide all campers with at least eight hours of quite time. Between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM each day we ask that you enforce this quite period.




Personal equipment list:
1.  Gear Bags – military type duffel bag or backpack (also, large trash bags to put bedding and dry clothes in during the day
in case of rain)
2.  Sleeping bag
3.  Substantial Jackets (coat) (mornings and evenings can get chilly)
4.  Class A Scout uniform * we encourage wearing it while traveling. Class B for camp, any BSA T-shirt. (no MB sash needed)
5.  Swim trunks and towel
6.  Shower towel
7.  Toilet kit: toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, chap stick, personal medication, deodorant, etc.
8.  Flashlight
9.  Several changes of clothes - long pants, shorts, and shirts (This is especially vital as storms are common)
10.  Underwear - Sleeping clothes
11.  Socks
12.  Hat
13.  Scout Handbook (if not 1st Class yet)
14.  Sun screen
15.  Watch
16.  Canteens, drinking bottles, or hydration pack.  Each boy should have the capacity to carry at least 2 liters.
17.  COMPLETED MEDICAL FORM a b and c turned in advance
18.  Small personal first aid kit
19.  Day pack - must be large enough to carry a small lunch and water for the hike
20.  Hiking shoes
21.  Rain jacket or poncho (Again, this is especially vital as storms are common)
22.  Water Shoes or sandals
23.  Gloves and beanie, if desired (mornings and evenings can get chilly)
24.  Money for the General Store, and some MB that cost, see MBs
25.  Scout must have pen, pencil and notebook to do merit badge work
26  Merit badge Books and work sheets http://usscouts.org/usscouts/meritbadges.asp
( 27 OA Sash, optional )

Troop equipment list:
1.  American Flag
2.  Patrol Flag or Troop Flag
3.  Battery  lantern

Flammable liquids

The rifle, shotgun and archery ranges are available for your use. All participants must receive a safety orientation and skills training. Ammunition and arrows are provided at the range. There is an ammunition charge your first 5 rounds are free.
Extra Shooting tickets can be purchase for 25 cent each (5 Rounds). In order to use the range, leaders must have signed permission slips from the parents of the scouts (see Permission Form.) Shotgun shooting will have a cost of $1.00 per
round (1 bullet and 1 clay pigeon). For advancement: Shotgun is restricted to 14 and Older

Take 3 to 4 day s to get to camp.

Scout’s Name, Troop #
Holcomb Valley Scout Camp, BSAP.O. Box 158
Fawnskin, CA 92333

The camp has one phone, which is used for camp administration and emergencies.  The camp phone may only be used in an emergency, with the permission of the Director.  Personal calls will not be available on the camp phone.  The camp number is for emergency use only:  90 9 8 66- 9 2 9 0 Cell phone reception is extremely limited in the area.  Any leaders bringing cell phones are responsible for charging their own phones using designated outlets throughout the camp.  Holcomb Valley is not responsible for cell phones that are lost or stolen during charging.  Internet access is NOT available.

For Drivers:

From Fawnskin, travel East on CA-38.

2. Appr oxi mat el y 1. 6 miles turn Left on Polique Canyon Rd .

3. Appr oxi mat el y 1. 5 miles stay to the Right at “T” in the road.

4. Stay on Polique Canyon Rd.  (2N09) for approximately 1.4 miles.  Look for Camp Holcomb
Valley sign to the Left and turn Left on the camp road.

5. Appr oxi mat el y 0. 3 miles will be the camp parking area.

NOTE: When arriving to camp parking area, ALL vehicles must back into  their parking spot.

Driving to camp please use Polique Canyon Road, it is gravel and paved part of the way now.
The turn on to Polique Canyon Road is just after the town of Fawnskin (driving east).

Map to Holcomb Valley

Direction pdf  use Polique Canyon Road  also called 2N09

Google map

88 miles 2 hours + on Sunday or Sat. (3 hours + on Friday)

CA-210 E to the CA-330 N to  CA-18 N to CA-38 to Polique Canyon Road also called 2N09

Check - in time is Sunday between the hours of 3:00 - 5:30p.m.  Please plan your trip as to arrive between these hours in order to ensure we can best accommodate your needs.  Your troop will be met at the gate by the staff and your troop friend and commissioner will help you with all the particulars of unloading and transporting your gear.  Please arrive at camp with at
least half a tank of fuel in case an emergency evacuation is necessary. While your troop friend and the troop hike into
camp with their gear, a second troop friend will accompany the Scoutmaster to the program office for check - in.

History link here

The Horses are at the Old Hitchcock Ranch, that is now part of the BSA Camp.at 7244 feet 34.3050053  -116.9172555

The grazing began in the San Bernardino Mountains around 1857 with both cattle and sheep.
By 1914 Hitchcock was grazing cattle on the old Holcomb Valley placer grounds.

More History wiki by Dave
Holcomb Valley Scout Ranch was formerly part of Old Baldy Council. The Scout Ranch was turned over to the San Gabriel Valley Council in 2005. The Old Baldy Council took title to the property in 1965 from William Hitchcock. The Hitchcock Ranch is still part of the Holcomb Valley Scout Ranch. Guy Reide, Old Baldy's Scout Executive(1949 to 1966) in 1965 had the vision and worked with William Hitchcock to have the Ranch turned into a Scout Camp. Loren Baldwin became the first camp ranger and Holcomb Valley held its first Boy Scout summer resident camp in 1974. Holcomb Valley is named after William F. Holcomb, who discovered gold there and staked a claim in May 1860 with his partner. Holcomb became known for his marksmanship. After 10 years of prospecting he still had no major success. As food sources were diminishing, some of the prospectors hired Holcomb to hunt for grizzly bear to provide food for the long winter months. While trailing a bear up Polique Canyon he found Holcomb Valley. Tracking the injured animal, he passed a quartz ledge shining with gold. Bonanza and many other western films and TV shows were shot in Holcomb Valley. For a short time under Old Baldy Council the camp was called "Camp Lipscomb" after US Congressman Glenard P. Lipscomb.

Holcomb family

HV and photos past