(Scout Expo)
October 29 ,  2016      Saturday
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Come for an hour or come for the day.

Rose Bowl Stadium Parking Lot
1001 Rose Bowl Dr. Pasadena Ca 90013 map

Scouts and Parents are need to help in Troop 373 Engineering Merit Badge Booth  grading Mr. Sargent Quiz !

Please sign up for a one or 2 hour time slot.

Entrance is Free. No RSVP needed to attend.   Open to the Public.

 About $10.00 cash for one Car admittance at the gate. No other cost.
Bring your lunch or buy it there.

Also, please consider Supporting Scouting by
inviting any boys (or girls) that are not in scouts.

If Scouts would like to earn a merit badge (complete or partial) at Scout Expo,
the Scouts must have unit leader signed blue card with them!
Partial blue cards will be approved by Troop Leaders, once proof of completion is shown.
Show Mr. Sargent


Scouts: great time to work on a
Merit Badge and other Requirements.
There is also
Great games, crafts
and activities.

Some past year activities: (Each year is different)
Rope Bridge   Fishing    Trucking   Leather working
Wood working, Auto Mechanic, Rocketry, Home Repair
Free Boy Scout outdoors cooking samples
Forestry,  Tools use, Safety   Computers,  Fingerprinting, Bowling,  Electronics
Marksmanship skills activities,  Computer, Climbing and much more.

SGVC Flyer 2015

                                              TBA  Not this year.

                        The Troop may  have a booth:
                  Troop 373 will be leading a Merit Badge Booth,
 Scouts, also some Parents are needed to help. Please sign up for a shift to help.
            Scouts will receive leadership hours for working in the booth

                Scouts are needed at the Check in and out table at the
                              Troop's ?? Merit Badge Booth,
   also to pass Scouts on the ?? Merit Badge "Homework" done after the class

                  Scouts and Parents please Sign up for a hour shift.