Tiger and Lion Cub Safari Camp

Calling all Lions and Tigers and their Adult Partners to join in on a day of learning and exploring camp!

Cub Scout: $40 Early Bird, $45 Regular, $50 Late 

Adult: $15 Early Bird, $20 Regular, $25 Late 

9 AM to 4 PM

2022 Saturday Dates

March 12, 2022  

November 5, 2022

2023 Dates
March 11, 2023

November 4, 2023

Cub Safari Day held 

at Camp Trask in Monrovia Canyon
(do not pay the Monrovia Park entrance fee)

9:00am to 4:00pm

Sign up online

More Information/Sign Up Now!

Check space here ckick more on page

 Print Flyer here

 Map to Trask

 (see calendar for Dates and Cost if not list here.)

Camp is for Tiger-Lion and Partner (one Parent or family member over 18).

This camp usually fills up
Offered only two tims once a year. (only one chance to go)
Past photos links:  Photos1 - Photos2

Cost includes: Games, Fort crafts, archery, BB’s, short Nature Hike, campfires, songs, Flag ceremonies, Sling Shot, Panning for gold , Lunch and a lot more with a great trained camp staff. 

Tiger Page of Pack 373